Sunday, August 31, 2014

Potty training

Mommy wants me to start potty training early but I don't think I am ready yet.  I pretend that I am doing my business but I am just resting and ready to take a nap.  FAILURE!! Sorry mom...maybe try again in one year???  

Saturday, August 30, 2014

My second haircut

do I really need to get another haircut? 

First off,  they put me into a barbie car...

of course I am not happy and turn away
then they put a purple cape on me

ok,  I admit,  I do look more handsome than I did this morning.  

I am even cute when I make this face!!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Play date with the Huynh boys and Frozen party

We had a picnic in the backyard and it was beautiful day.  The Huynh boys were singing Let it Go from the movie Frozen and when Devon can home,  I was super surprised by what he learned.  

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Doing the ALS challenge for a good cause

I was nominated by my friends to do the ALS ice bucket challenge.  Even though I don't like the cold,  this is for a good cause so I put on my brave face and didn't cry when mommy poured ice all over my head.  

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

My weekly outdoor classes with Mommy

This is supposed to be mommy and baby class but I just sit here and do nothing

I just sit here on the mat the entire class while my mom does exercises but mostly chit chats with other mommies!!

At least I have toys to keep me occupied

These are all the mommies and the babies 

We love these outdoor classes!!!

At the indoor library class

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

My first trip to Vancouver and my first airplane ride

Almost ready for take off and I'm a bit scared but I have my brave face on.  

This is our hotel room.  There is lots of room for me to play

Sitting in my travel high chair

Met a girl named Sophie.  I thought Sophie was a giraffe but both are pretty cute!!

Grandma and me at the Sutton Place hotel

There are over 200 flavors of ice cream here and I'm not allowed to even have one taste!!

At the airport after a successful trip

On the flight home and mommy and daddy said I was well behaved and they will take me on more trips..yay!!!!!!

Just relaxing with daddy and watching cartoons 

Sleeping on daddies shoulders...has been a long day 

Note to Devon:  you really impressed us by sleeping well at the hotel even though you weren't in your own crib and had to share a room with us.  You slept through the night and gave us a good rest too. While you were sleeping,  mommy and daddy snuck out every night to have some good eats and left you at the hotel with grandma.  When you are older,  we promise we will take you out too.  Thank you for being such a good boy.  We love you!! Here are some pictures for your enjoyment when you are old enough to read this.  

Saturday, August 16, 2014

I'm 9 months old!!!

I am really outgrowing teddy

There is really no room for teddy on this couch anymore

Mommy and Me.  We like to make the same facial expressions.  

Look at my stylish jeans?  They are a present from Aunty Cathy!!

I love playing with these stacking toys

Note to Devon:  We can't believe you are 9 months now!!  You have grown up so much and doing something new everyday that amazes us.  You have definitely brought so much joy to our lives and you always make us smile. 

Friday, August 15, 2014

A visit from grandma and grandpa and brushing my teeth on my own

I like to dress up like grandma.  I hope I didn't scare grandpa with my crying.  

I love my new riding toy..I can finally reach the floor

I have 6 teeth now so I have to brush my teeth twice a day

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Mommy and baby and GRANDMA class

At a weekly mommy and baby exercise class at the park so grandma is babysitting Devon 

All the mommies getting a great workout

Monday, August 11, 2014

My first words

I was really hoping that Devon's first words would be "momma", "mama", "ma mee" or something along those lines.  However,  take a look at the video to see what he has been saying the last few days.  

That's right...his first words are "ba ba".  Someone in this house is super happy....wonder who?

Saturday, August 9, 2014

I love to go out and eat!!!

Having lunch with Grandma!!

These pizza look small

Why do the same pizzas look gigantic beside me??