Monday, March 31, 2014

I'm 4 and a half months

Cuddling with Grandma
I love my prince outfit 

Devon holding hands with a girl and music and play class 

Going with Mommy and Daddy on a stroll around the neighborhood 

having coffee and a snack with Daddy

Thursday, March 27, 2014

My first movie...the Muppets

I watched the entire movie with mommy and didn't even cry
First movie was a success
All the kiddos and the mommies had a great time

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A day of new discoveries...First roll over and laughing out loud!!

Today Devon rolled over during tummy time and we were able to catch it on video.  He was very cooperative and rolled over when I asked him to.   He was able to roll over on both sides and learned very quickly.
In the evening,  during his last feed of the day before bedtime,  Brian was holding him and I was playing peek a boo with him and making funny noises.  He laughed out loud a few times and it made our day.